How to appear or speak before City Council


While the New Council Chamber is under construction the Council meetings are still being held at Old City Hall.

North end of the building, Second Floor 

200 Texas Street

Fort Worth, TX 76102



In order to address the City Council, the following process must be followed:

1. Registering

Once the City Council meeting agenda is posted to the city’s website on Thursday, residents must register no later than two hours before the start of the meeting for both day and evening meetings.

  • First review the instructions on filling out a speaker card online. Next, visit the new location to open an agenda and fill out a speaker card online for any action item.
  • Calling the City Secretary’s Office at  817-392-6150
  • Completing a speaker card in-person in the City Secretary’s Office at City Hall no later than two hours prior  to the start of a meeting.

2. Speaking

Public Comment Meeting: Individuals may sign up to speak at the Public Comment Meeting for a total of *3 minutes; however multiple subjects may be discussed within the allotted time.

Council Meeting:

Consent Agenda: For all items posted on the consent agenda, each registered person who is speaking as an individual shall be limited to a total of three *(3) minutes, regardless of the number of consent-agenda items for which the person has registered.

Non-Consent Agenda: For all items posted on the non-consent agenda other than public hearings or zoning hearings, each registered person who is speaking as an individual shall generally be limited to a total of three *(3) minutes, regardless of the number of items for which the person has registered.

Public Hearings and Zoning Hearings:  Each registered person who is speaking as an individual shall generally be limited to three *(3) minutes per item for any public hearing or zoning hearing.

*Comments must be limited to the agenda item(s). When speaking for 10 or more individuals, comments are limited to 6 minutes by the representative of the group, other members of the group may not speak. Individuals will be asked to stand to confirm their attendance. All names need to be provided at the time of registration and all 10 people must be present at the meeting, otherwise comments are limited to 3 minutes.  In speaking on a posted agenda item at a City Council Meeting, the speaker shall limit his or her remarks to the subject of the posted agenda item that is under consideration


3. Electronic Media

Speaker’s Use of Electronic Media: Any person wishing to make a presentation that includes video or another form of electronic media must provide that information in digital format to the City Secretary’s Office no later than 5 p.m. the day before a City Council Meeting, for review by the staff. City staff shall review the information as to form and content. The information shall not contain any statements, graphics or pictures that are offensive or reflect personal attacks on other individuals, the City Council members or city staff. The digital format must be compatible with the city’s technology equipment. The presentation will be tested prior to the City Council Meeting to ensure that it is compatible with the city’s equipment. (CRP


4. Rules of Procedure - February 2023 Version



Parking Vouchers

The City of Fort Worth will provide free parking vouchers for residents attending any daytime City Council meeting.

How it works: Receive a voucher at the desk located just outside the City Council chambers on the second floor of City Hall, 200 Texas St. Vouchers will be available 30 minutes prior to the start of meetings until the end of the meeting.

Council goers will need to pull a parking ticket from the dispensing machine when entering the Houston Street Garage (1200 Houston Street) and bring that ticket to the City Manager’s Office. They will then be handed a voucher that can be used to charge.

Where to park: Parking is available at the Houston Street Garage, 1200 Houston St. (across from the Fort Worth Convention Center). The free parking voucher is only available for that parking garage.

For evening Council meetings, parking at downtown meters is free after 6 p.m.

Read the City News on the process.  


Tips for Making Successful Presentations to the Fort Worth City Council 

  • State your name and city of residence at the start of your presentation.
  • The best presentations about the issue under discussion are to the point. Presentations that are less than 3 minutes long, but to the point, are more effective with Council than long and repetitive presentations.
  • If your point has been made by previous speakers, feel free to inform the Mayor that you do not need to speak because your point had been made. You can make a simple statement from your seat such as the following: “I do not wish to speak. My point has been made.”
  • If you plan to present Council with information, have the materials organized and ready to present to the City Secretary who will distribute it to Council, and begin your presentation immediately.
  • Address your remarks to the whole Council, rather than to a specific member.
  • Do not ask Council if anyone has questions. Council will ask you to stay at the podium if there is a question.
  • Each podium has a count-down clock, which will indicate how much time is remaining to speak. When the time has ended, a bell will sound and your comments should be completed.