Zoning Commission
To sign up to speak at Zoning Commission, please register through WebEx in accordance with the directions on the City’s website. This link is used to register whether you plan to participate in-person or virtually.
The sign-up link will be available Friday the afternoon prior to the scheduled Zoning Commission hearing. For questions or assistance with registration, please contact Alex Johnson at alexander.johnson@fortworthtexas.gov or (817) 392-8047.
Parking Vouchers
Starting in October, the City of Fort Worth will provide free parking vouchers for anyone attending the Zoning Commission meetings.
How it works:
Anyone who attends a meeting can receive a voucher from the Zoning staff, located on the second, at the desk where the agendas and sign up to speak forms are located (City Hall at 200 Texas St). The vouchers will be available before and after the meeting.
Where to park:
Parking is available at the Fort Worth Convention Center Garage located at 1200 Houston St., directly across the street from the Convention Center. The free parking voucher is only available for this parking garage. Upon entering the garage, attendees will need to pull a ticket from the dispenser in the entry lane and they will need to present this ticket in order to obtain a voucher to park without cost. The voucher will be good until 6:00 p.m.
City Council
You can sign up to speak at City Council meeting once the agenda is posted to the City's website on Thursday no later than two hours before the start of the meetings for both days and evening meetings.
For more information on how to appear or speak before City Council, please visit the City Secretary's Webpage.