Boards, Committees & Commissions


Boards, Committees, and Commissions are important in that they enable the public to participate in local government processes. Their activities help shape and influence public policy, because they lend a more diverse viewpoint for the City Council to consider.


Council Committees & Corporations

See current meeting dates by viewing the Council Calender.

Ad Hoc Council Committee on Emergency Medical Response


Audit Committee

This committee will provide oversight responsibilities for financial matters and internal and external audits. 

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Committee

This committee will focus on entrepreneurship, small business growth, Covid-19 recovery, Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) expansion.

Legislative Affairs Committee

This committee will provide oversight responsibilities for the federal and state legislative issues, board and commission appointments and intergovernmental relations.  

Mobility: Infrastructure & Transportation Committee

This committee will focus on transportation, water, infrastructure, and connectivity.  

Neighborhood Quality & Revitalization Committee

This committee will focus on neighborhood services, parks, libraries, public health, environment, city partnerships in education.  

Central City Local Government Corporation


Lone Star Local Government Corporation


Fort Worth Housing Finance Corporation


Fort Worth Local Development Corporation


Research & Innovation Local Governmant Corporation


Boards, Committees, & Commissions

View a listing of the Boards, Committees, & Committees through out the City  Click Here

Animal Shelter Advisory Board


Fort Worth Art Commission

The Fort Worth Art Commission is to act as an advisory body to the City Council in matters relating to the City of Fort Worth's public art program. The Commission shall advise and make recommendations to the Fort Worth City Council regarding the Public Art Program concerning the following matters: administration of the Public Art Program, including the qualifications of the entity and the scope of services necessary to administer the program, public art policies and procedures, artists selection juries and process, commission and placement of artworks, maintenance and removal of artworks, and preparation of the recommendations for the annual Public Art Plan.

Aviation Advisory Board

The Aviation Advisory Board (AAB) est. 1960, acts in an advisory capacity to the City Manager and the City Council through the Aviation Director in accordance with established City policy governing City advisory boards. The AAB, subject to the authority of the City Council, has the authority to review and recommend to the City Manager and the City Council any and all plans of any extensions, improvements, and additions to the airports system and its master plan; may recommend the adoption of rules and regulations for the government of the airports system; review and comment on the annual operating budget and capital improvement requests; and make recommendations regarding the leasing of lands and granting of concessions or franchise for the privilege of doing business in or on the properties of the airport system in cases where such leases, concessions or franchises might have an impact on the development of the airport system and its master plan. The AAB may review and recommend to the City Manager and the City Council through the Aviation Director a schedule of rental rates and other fees and charges for tenants and other lessees of airport property.

Board of Adjustment - Commercial

The Board of Adjustment has the powers and exercises the duties of a board in accordance with Chapter 211, Title 7, Local Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Annotated Codes. The Board hears and decides cases where it is alleged there is error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Official in the enforcement of ordinances, and has the power to establish public notice and hearing to alter previous action in such matters. They have such powers as are specified by Ordinance No. 5756.

Board of Adjustment - Residential

The Board of Adjustment has the powers and exercises the duties of a board in accordance with Chapter 211, Title 7, Local Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Annotated Codes. The Board hears and decides cases where it is alleged there is error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Official in the enforcement of ordinances, and has the power to establish public notice and hearing to alter previous action in such matters. They have such powers as are specified by Ordinance No. 5756.

Building Standards Commission

The Building Standards Commission, est. 1972, may determine whether buildings, properties, or structures are in compliance with the City Code and may, if a violation is found, order a property owner to comply with all applicable laws and ordinances, including requiring vacation, relocation of occupants, securing, repair, removal, abatement, or demolition of a building, property, or structure.

Business Equity Advisory Board (formerly the Minority & Women Business Enterprise Advisory Committee)

The M/WBEAC was formed to provide continuing input to the City Council on the progress of the MBE/WBE program. M/WBEAC shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and shall assist the City Manager in implementing the program. The MWBE Advisory Committee shall be composed of one (1) representative from each of the four (4) Fort Worth area Chambers of Commerce; six (6) partner organizations that promote the utilization and growth of M/WBEs; one (1) regional certification agency; two (2) community groups, and five (5) internal City of Fort Worth Departments. Representatives from the community groups shall serve as non-voting committee members and will not count towards a quorum. Representatives from the City Departments shall serve as ex-officio committee members who may not vote and will not count towards a quorum. Six (6) voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Capital Improvement Advisory Committee for Transportation Impact Fees

Advise and assist the City Council in adopting land use assumptions; Review the transportation improvements plan and file written comments; Monitor and evaluate implementation of the transportation improvements plan; File semi-annual reports with respect to the progress of the transportation improvements plan and report to the City Council any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and Advise the City Council of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, transportation improvements plan and impact fee.

Capital Improvement Plan Advisory Committee for Water/Wastewater

Advise and assist the City in adopting land use assumptions; Review the Capital Improvements Plan and file written comments; Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan; File semi-annual reports with respect to the progress of the Capital Improvements plan and report to the City any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and Advise the City of the need to update or revise the Land Use Assumptions; Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee.

City Plan Commission

The commission has the authority of final approval of subdivision plats; is an advisory body to the City Council on all matters relating to public improvements; and has such other duties and powers as specified in Ordinance No. 5755.

Civil Service Commission

Serves as stipulated by the provisions of the State Civil Service Act in administering state regulations pertaining to personnel matters of the fire and police departments.

Community Action Partners Council

The Community Action Partnersshall advise and assist City Council in setting priorities and involving low-income citizens in the decision-making processes for program projects initiated with funding from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).

Community Development Council

The Community Development Council, est. 1974, was established for the purpose of assisting the City Council in setting priorities for projects to be initiated with Federal funding and complying with Federal grant requirements and limitations of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. It reviews the various proposed Federal projects and plans for community development and makes recommendations to the City Council with regard to such projects and plans toward the goal of providing decent, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income families in Fort Worth. The Council serves as an advisory board appointed by the Council.

Construction & Fire Prevention Board of Appeals

The Board was established for the purpose of determining the acceptability and adequacy of materials, equipment and methods of construction and for interpretation of the standards outlined in Ordinance No. 14043.

Deferred Compensation Committee


Downtown Design Review Board

The Board is hereby charged with the duty and invested with the authority to enforce the Downtown Urban Design Standards for new construction and renovations by hearing and deciding applications for certificates of appropriateness in accordance with Section 4.1200; and propose amendments to the Downtown Urban Design Standards to the City Zoning Commission and City Council from time to time.

Fort Worth Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Commission

The Pedestrian and Bicycling Advisory Commission, est. 2015, shall provide recommendations to the City Manager, City Plan Commission and the City Council on pedestrian and bicycle plans, policies, programs and projects to improve the environment for non-motorized travelers, including, but not limited to, the following: Guide the preparation and updates of pedestrian, bicycle and trail plans; Recommend policies and programs for the safe travel of all non-motorized traffic; Review and comment on the City's annual operating budget and capital improvement program for pedestrian and bicycle improvements; Guide the design, location and type of pedestrian and bicycle facilities in significant on-street and off-street programs; Encourage citizen participation in identifying problems, assessing existing facilities and plan; and, Assist in updating the Walk Fort Worth and Bike Fort Worth Plans every five years.

Human Relations Commission

To advise and consult with the City Council and the City Manager on matters involving racial, religious, or ethnic discrimination; to recommend to the City Council and the City Manager measures designed to eliminate prejudice and discrimination; and to promote and encourage communications between and cooperation of all groups interested in bettering community relations.

Historic & Cultural Landmarks Commission

The Commission administers the city’s Certified Local Government Program; increases public awareness of the value of the historic, cultural, architectural and archeological preservation; conducts ongoing surveys to identify and list significant historical, cultural, architectural and archeological resources; holds hearings and recommends to the City Council that certain structures and property be designated as Historic Structures; maintains, revises and amends the Historic Resources Survey; enforces and amends design guidelines for HC Overlay Districts; holds hearings and makes decisions concerning the issuance of Certificates of Appropriateness; reviews public works and public utility projects to be constructed within or immediately adjacent to HC Overlay Districts; administers the City’s program of Historic Site tax exemptions.

Mayor's Committee on Persons with Disabilities

The Fort Worth Mayor’s Committee on Persons with Disabilities is an organization of citizen volunteers working together with the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission to increase public awareness of the abilities of persons with disabilities and promote employment opportunities and housing accessibility. To accomplish these goals, the committee creates opportunities for dialogue and encourages open communication related to these issues as well as facilitates accessibility within the community and city government.

Library Advisory Board

The Library Advisory Board, est. 1983, recommends to the City Manager and the City Council plans for development of Library facilities and services to meet the needs of the City. It reviews and comments on the annual operating budget and capital improvement request.

Park & Recreation Advisory Board

The Park & Recreation Advisory Board, est. 1964, is responsible for providing policy recommendations and information to the City Manager and the City Council about citizen needs and requests that will improve the services of the Department; recommends to the City Manager and the City Council plans for development of facilities and services to meet the needs of the City; reviews and comments upon the proposed annual operating budget and capital improvement program request. Recommendations made by the Board will be presented to the City Manager and the City Council for consideration.

Urban Design Commission

Recommends the designation of design districts; reviews and approves stealth communication towers as well as antennas that are surface mounted on enclosed buildings and structures; reviews and recommends to the City Council the approval or modification of proposed design guidelines for design districts, except those districts where a separate design review board is established by the City Council; reviews and approves projects in Design Districts for compliance with design guidelines, except those districts where a separate design review board is established by the City Council; and Reviewing and approving design standards for other projects as directed by the City Council.

Wholesale Water & Wastewater Advisory Committee


Zoning Commission

The Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council in regard to zoning matters within the City of Fort Worth and has such other duties and powers as specified in Ordinance No. 5754. 

Public Improvement Districts (PID)

A Public Improvement District is a defined geographical area established to provide specific types of improvements or maintenance which are financed by assessments against the property owners within the area. PIDs provide a development tool that allocates costs according to the benefits received. A PID can provide a means to fund supplemental services and improvements to meet community needs which could not otherwise be constructed or provided.

More about the Public Improvement Districts (PID) »

Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIF)

Tax increment financing is a tool authorized by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code by which local governments can publicly finance needed structural improvements and enhanced infrastructure within a defined area called a reinvestment zone. 

More about the Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIF)»


Boards, Committees, & Commissions Calendar

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