2nd.MD - Virtual Second Opinion Medical Expert Consultation 2nd.MD is a Second Opinion Program: Virtual expert medical consultation and navigation service.
Accessibility Find a list of Fort Worth's inclusive playgrounds and a communication board to use while enjoying a park.
Alcohol Permit To obtain an alcohol permit in the City of Fort Worth, complete the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission application, and take it to a notary before signing.
Animal Noise Complaint Animals that cause “frequent or long-continued noise” disturbing to “the comfort and repose of any person of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity” may earn their owners a fine of up to $500.
Annexation An annually updated document identifying areas that the city wishes to consider for initiation of annexation during the succeeding five-year period.
Annual Audit Plan The Audit Committee provides advice to the City Council with respect to oversight for financial reporting, internal controls and auditing activities. The committee does not have direct authority over any such matters, but may vote to recommend that the City Council take certain actions, or recommend that the City Council direct the city manager to take certain actions.
Beat the Heat Program Texas summers can be brutal – especially if you don’t have a home. The City of Fort Worth wants to let residents know that they have assistance when needing someplace cool to escape the heat this summer.
Berry/University Form-Based Code The City of Fort Worth and several partner organizations are working together to create a plan and establish a form-based code for the Berry/University area.