Step 1: Application guidelines
Upon submission of the completed application, you will be placed on the next available scheduled HCLC meeting as a public hearing action item. Incomplete applications will not be accepted or forwarded to the HCLC for action. A completed application will consist of a description of the property, criteria for designation, and address and legal description for the property all this information is indicated on the application form.
Step 2: Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission Public Hearing
The application shall be heard within 45 days after it is deemed complete, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable. The HCLC may continue the case for a reasonable time if the Commission finds that all parties who have an interest in the structure or property are not present or that additional information is needed by the HCLC in order to evaluate such application. At the HCLC public hearing, the owner or owners, interested parties, local preservation groups and technical experts may present testimony or documentary evidence which will become part of a record regarding the historic, cultural, architectural or archeological importance of the structures or property.
Step 3: City Council Hearing
The City Council shall give notice and conduct its hearing on the HCLC’s recommendation concerning the proposed designation within 45 days of receipt of the recommendation of the HCLC, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable.