The Community Action Partners shall advise and assist City Council in setting priorities and involving low-income citizens in the decision-making processes for program projects initiated with funding from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).
Please refer to the City calendar for upcoming meetings.
Current Board
15 Members
Term Length
5 Years (3 Years)
Term Limit
10 Years (6 Years)
Appointed through the recommendation of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, approved by the City Council. Five members shall be public officials or their representatives. Five members shall be elected representatives of low-income neighborhoods. Five members shall be representatives of community groups and interests.
The places shall be as follows:
- 1-3 City Council/City of Fort Worth City Council Appointment.
- 4-5 County Commissioner's Court/Tarrant County Commissioner's Court Appointment.
- 6-10 Neighborhood Representatives representing low-Income families, elected by community.
- 11-15 Community Group Representatives, groups selected by members of Places 1-10.
Current Board Details & Roster
Authority for Creation and Operation
Authorized by Ordinance No. 8300 adopted on March 24, 1981, Ordinance No. 15842 changed the name; Ordinance 17422-03-2007 amended 8300, (The CAPC is exempt by Ordinance No. 9272 from the provisions of Ordinance No. 8758 regarding 9-member boards and length of terms of service.)
Term Length
Terms of public officials shall be at pleasure of appointing public body. Members of Places 6-15 shall not serve more than five consecutive years of 10 years total.
Enacting Legislation:
Ordinance No. 8300 & 15842