The Adopt-A-Spot program allows individuals and organizations to adopt public spaces, like parks, medians, and roadways, for litter cleanups and other maintenance activities. Adoptions are great for any group who wants to have a meaningful and positive impact on the environment, including:
- Businesses
- Neighborhood Groups
- Civic Organizations
- Scouts
- Faith Groups
- Environmental Clubs
Adoptions are 100% voluntary, run on five-year agreements, and have no application or annual fees!
Adoptee Spotlight of the Month

Park & Recreation is starting a new series where every other month we will highlight an adoption that is taking exceptional care of their spot. We love our adoptees and want to give them the recognition they deserve. We are very excited to begin this series. Thank you all for your hard work! Our city could not run without you!
Litter-Only Adoptions
Litter cleanups are the most common activity for groups that want to be a part of the Adopt-a-Spot program. If your group wants to focus on litter cleanups, with an occasional planting or beautification project, choose the Litter-Only Adoption. Parks and Recreation can work with you on a case-by-case basis for other projects.
To begin a Litter-Only Adoption, contact Keep Fort Worth Beautiful or call 817-392-2046.
Maintenance Adoptions
If you or a contractor want to perform activities in addition to litter cleanups, like mowing and irrigation, it is required to have a formal contract with the city. The contract is for a minimum of two years and you or your contractor may be required to provide proof of insurance.
To begin a Maintenance Adoption, contact the Park & Recreation team
Winter and Irrigation
The winter season means temperatures drop to near or below freezing at night. Fort Worth Water Conservation wants to remind city facilities with irrigation systems about proper care and maintenance during the wintertime.
To protect irrigation systems and prevent safety hazards from ice on roads and sidewalks:
- Rain/freeze sensors should be inspected and repaired to working order. Be sure to check batteries. Freeze sensors automatically shut off irrigation systems when temperature drop to at or near freezing.
- Irrigation systems should be turned off from November through March. Be sure to shut off the water and drain the system.
- Bermuda grass is now dormant and does not need watering. Plants can be hand watered if rainfall is not sufficient.
- Over-seeding with rye grass should not be used on city properties.
- Watering of golf courses and athletic field turf should only be used to protect playing surfaces and for user safety. City departments may water only on Tuesday and Friday and never between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Inspect any system in use to make sure spray heads are not watering any hard surfaces.
If you have questions about outdoor watering requirements or winter irrigation system use, please email the Water Conservation team or call 817-392-8740.