Lincoln Park


  • 1934



  • 7.0  acres


Additional amenities

  • Backstop
  • Basketball Court
  • Benches
  • Bleachers
  • Drinking Fountain
  • Electrical Box
  • Grills
  • Park Lighting
  • Parking Lot
  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Softball/Baseball Field
  • Stand Alone Swing
  • Tables
  • Volleyball Court


Fun facts & History

Lincoln Park, sometimes referred to as Quality Grove Park, is located in northwest Fort Worth along the banks of Marine Creek. The seven-acre park was acquired in 1934 and historically served an adjacent African American neighborhood. An early improvement to the park was the construction of a stone restroom facility c. 1934 that has since been removed. It was likely designed by Hare and Hare and constructed by the CWA/WPA.

 In 1941, a WPA project was initiated to line the bank of Marine Creek with stone and to improve recreational facilities. Hare and Hare’s 1957 report noted that the seven-acre park had provisions for children’s play and softball. At one point it was thought that the park could be incorporated into a proposed parkway running along Marine Creek but the idea was dropped because of flooding issues.

 As an effort to continue the policy of segregation in the city’s recreational facilities, a swimming pool and bathhouse were constructed in the park in 1960. These features have since been removed and today the park contains a shelter, playground, and grills.

 Buck Sansom, Marine Creek Linear North, Marine Creek Linear, and Rodeo Park create the Marine Creek Park Corridor, similar to the parkway envisioned by Hare and Hare. In 2010, the Park & Recreation Department applied for a $1,000,000 matching grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grants Branch to implement improvements to the parks along this corridor.  In 2011, Halff Associates was awarded a contract for design and engineering work for the project. Implementation began in 2013.

 View animal, plant and insect species observed at Lincoln Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 


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2922 Lincoln Avenue, Fort Worth 76106  View Map

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