Submit a Biosolids Complaint
The City of Fort Worth’s biosolids program is proactive in responding to complaints regarding odors, spills or drag out attributable to land application activities or the transportation of biosolids.
If you are aware of land application of biosolids in your area and have a complaint regarding odors, spills or drag out, send an email to with “Biosolids Complaint” in the subject line so city personnel can investigate the issue.
Include the following information in your email:
- Contact information (used to log the complaint for our files)
- Type of complaint (odor, spill, drag out)
- Date you noticed the issue
- Time you noticed the issue
- Location you noticed the issue (street, farm road, county road, etc.)
- For odor complaints:
- Rate its intensity as very light, light, moderate, strong or very strong.
- Describe the odor using the following descriptors:
- Soapy
- Stale
- Smoky
- Ammonia
- Septic
- Rubbery
- Paint
- Sewer
- Metallic
- Fruity
- Ashes
- Swampy
- Burnt
- Vomit
- Gasoline
- Petroleum
- Sour
- Citrusy
- Moldy
- Woody
- Fecal
- Dead Animal
- Moth Balls
- Sulfur
- Grease
- Woody
- Mushroom
- Yeast
- Garbage
- Creosote
- Shoe Polish
- Turpentine
- Kerosene
- Grassy
- Musky
- Fishy
- Manure
- Earthy
- Vinegar
- Floral
- Tar
- Musty
- Pine
- Urine
- Rotten Eggs
- Solvent
- Alcohol
- Vegetable
- Chlorinous