Camp Bowie District Inc.

Camp Bowie District Inc. is a private sector, not-for-profit public improvement district created in October 2000 by the commercial property owners to revitalize Camp Bowie Boulevard.

Their improvement efforts have included infrastructure improvements, the implementation of beautification projects (including tree planting and landscaping), hosting special events (including the Jazz By The Boulevard festival and Camp Bowie Crawl) and serving as an advocate for all development. Property owners pay an additional property tax in order to increase economic vitality and redevelopment along the Boulevard.

In addition, a membership structure was created to allow merchants and businesses to participate and display their commitment to the area.

The Camp Bowie District runs from University to Loop 820 and includes Seventh Street to Montgomery. Since the District is nine miles long with varying unique characteristics, the district is split into three zones.

Form Based Zoning Ordinance

In 2009, Camp Bowie District Inc. hired a consultant to draft a form based code to replace the zoning regulations. The form based code addresses the form and design elements needed to guide future growth along Camp Bowie. The City Council finalized adoption of the new form based zoning regulations in April 2012.