The City of Fort Worth and surrounding areas will experience significant growth in population over the next several decades. It is anticipated that by 2060, conservation and reuse will provide about 26 percent of the region’s water supply.
In order to help meet future water supply needs, the City of Fort Worth is pursuing opportunities that include conservation and the use of highly treated wastewater effluent (reclaimed water) to reduce demands for potable water.
Reclaimed water can be treated to a very high level, resulting in a product that is perfectly safe for many non-drinkable uses, including irrigation and some commercial and industrial uses. In addition, reclaimed water must meet strict water quality standards as established by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality.
What are the benefits?
A major reuse benefit is its reduced cost when compared to treated drinking water. For every gallon of reclaimed water that is used for irrigation, industrial or commercial purposes it saves a gallon of our valuable drinking water supply. Reclaimed water is also drought proof and is exempt from water conservation restrictions that may be enforced during drought conditions. In addition, reclaimed water has the potential for delaying future water treatment plant expansions.
Water reuse has been identified as a Best Management Practice for water conservation by the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force established by the 78th Texas Legislature. In addition to other water conservation efforts, development of a reclaimed water program will provide for efficient use of the city’s water resources, will preserve current water supplies, and will postpone the need to develop additional supplies to meet the needs of a growing Fort Worth.
Existing and Planned Projects
Waterchase Golf Course, located in east Fort Worth just north of I-30 and west of Eastchase Parkway, currently irrigates with reclaimed water from the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility, and has been doing so since 1999. The City of Fort Worth has prepared a plan to develop a number of reclaimed water projects, several of which have begun construction.
For more information on reuse, contact us at 817-392-4479.