Transportation Impact Fee Calculation

Maximum Assessable Rate

The maximum transportation impact fee allowed under state law, based on service area and land use, is shown on Schedule 1(PDF, 122KB) This amount represents a development’s actual impact on the transportation network, and is the basis for the Transportation Impact Fee Assessment.

Collection Rate

The transportation impact fee due for a development, known as the collection rate, is dependent upon service area and land use. The collection rate is shown on Schedule 2(PDF, 67KB). The collection rate falls between 0-100 percent of the maximum transportation impact fee (Schedule 1).

On October 24, 2022, the Fort Worth City Council approved the 2022 Transportation Impact Fee Study (Schedule 1) and amendments to the ordinance.  The study and amendments went into effect on November 1, 2022. 

Then on November 29, 2022, the City Council approved the new Small Business discount, Transportation Impact Fee exemptions for charter and private schools, and the following Transportation Impact Fee Collection Rates (Schedule 2).

Details on the residential and non-residential collection rates relative to when the final plat was approved and building application acceptance date can be found below.

Residential Land Uses

  • Effective June 1, 2024:  Residential rate of 55% of the maximum assessable rate in effect at the time the building permit application is accepted.

  • Effective June 1, 2025: Residential rate of 60% of the maximum assessable rate in effect at the time the building permit application is accepted.

  • Effective June 1, 2026: Residential rate of 65% of the maximum assessable rate in effect at the time the building permit application is accepted.

Residential Table

Final Plat Approval Date

Building Application Acceptance Date

Study Year*

Schedule 2

Prior to 4/1/13

On or after 6/1/24 until 5/31/25


55% of 2008 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/25 until 5/31/26


60% of 2008 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/26 onward


65% of 2008 Schedule 1***

Between 4/1/13 and 3/31/18

On or after 6/1/24 until 5/31/25


55% of 2013 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/25 until 5/31/26


60% of 2013 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/26 onward


65% of 2013 Schedule 1***

Between 4/1/18 and 5/31/21

On or after 6/1/24 until 5/31/25


55% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/25 until 5/31/26


60% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/26 onward


65% of 2018 Schedule 1***

Between 6/1/21 and 10/31/22

On or after 6/1/24 until 10/31/24 and for two years after the final plat approval


55% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 11/1/24 until 5/31/25


55% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/25 until 5/31/26


60% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/26 onward


65% of 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 11/1/22

On or after 6/1/24 until 5/31/25


55% of 2022 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/25 until 5/31/26


60% of 2022 Schedule 1***

On or after 6/1/26 onward


65% of 2022 Schedule 1***

*Study year establishes the service area boundaries.

**Collection rates have not changed for properties in this scenario. Note, some collection rates in select service areas are capped by the Schedule 1 of their respective study year.

***After June 1, 2023, Service Areas L&W will become no fee service areas.


Non-Residential Land Uses

  • Effective June 1, 2023: Non-Residential rate of 40% of the maximum assessable rate in effect at the time the building permit application is accepted.

Non-Residential Table

Final Plat Approval Date

Building Application Acceptance Date

Study Year*

Schedule 2

Prior to 4/1/13

On or after 6/1/23


40% of 2008 Schedule 1***

Between 4/1/13 and 3/31/18

On or after 6/1/23


40% 2013 Schedule 1***

Between 4/1/18 and 5/31/21

On or after 6/1/23


40% 2018 Schedule 1***

Between 6/1/21 and 10/31/22

On or after 6/1/23 and two years after the final plat approval


40% 2018 Schedule 1***

On or after 11/1/22

On or after 6/1/23


40% 2022 Schedule 1***

*Study year establishes the service area boundaries.

**Collection rates have not changed for properties in this scenario. Note, some collection rates in select service areas are capped by the Schedule 1 of their respective study year.

***After June 1, 2023, Service Areas L&W will become no fee service areas.


Fee Calculation and Service Area Information

The Fee Estimator calculates the development’s Transportation Impact Fees due at the time of building permit application acceptance. Credits for the dedication of right-of-way and/or the construction eligible transportation facilities may reduce the amount transportation impact fees due. Discounts may also be applied to reduce the amount of transportation impact fees due.  

Fee Estimator

**NEW** Transportation Impact Fee Estimator(XLSX, 244KB)

How to Use the Transportation Impact Fee Estimator:

  • Enter the development’s Service Area
  • Enter the plat approval date. If unknown, you can research the plats here.
  • Enter the appropriate building permit application date.
  • Enter the appropriate land use(s) from the drop-down list.
  • The applicable development unit will automatically appear, (for example, the development unit for an office is 1,000 sq ft; 2,500 sq ft office would be 2,500/1,000 = 2.5 development units; for a residential development, it is the number of dwelling units).
  • Enter the number of development units for each land use.
  • Enter credit / discount amounts, if known.
  • The program will calculate the project’s estimated transportation impact fee. 

Service Area

Your Service Area can be found by utilizing our OneAddress tool:

  • Open OneAddress
  • Type in address in search bar (must be a CFW address; ETJ properties are not subjected to our ordinance unless annexed)
  • Under the "Location Data" tab on the left side of page click the "+" next to "Reference"
  • Your Service Area should be listed toward the bottom

If your address is not found or for additional questions/issues regarding Service Areas please call (817)392-TRIF(8743)


The transportation impact fee due for a development may be reduced by the application of credits for the dedication of right-of-way and/or the construction eligible transportation facilities.  The credit allowance will be based on an executed Credit Agreement, to be negotiated and approved by the Development Services Department. Request a transportation impact fee credit application from the Transportation Impact Fee team by applying online.




An application for discounts shall be submitted with the first building permit application submitted by the applicant.

Eligibility for all discounts must be determined no later than the issuance of the first building permit for land subject to the final plat. The terms related to each discount shall be incorporated within an agreement for credits pursuant to § 30-182.

Discounts are cumulative, so that a development that qualifies for the maximum discount under each provision may reduce impact fees otherwise due up to 100%.

The applicant for a discount provided for in this section has the burden of proof to show that the development qualifies for the discount.

Adequate Public Facilities Discount

The amount of transportation impact fees due under Schedule 2 may be reduced by 50% for any development where:

  1. One or more points of access serve at least 75% of the peak-hour site-generated traffic volumes;

  2. Such point(s) connect the development to the city’s thoroughfare system, as depicted in the city’s master thoroughfare plan (MTP) provided however, sites with multiple access points may include a TxDOT facility as one of the access points to meet this criteria; and

  3. The transportation facility so connected has been improved to its ultimate capacity as classified under the current master thoroughfare plan.

Mixed-use/Multi-modal Development Discount

The amount of transportation impact fees due under Schedule 2 may be reduced up to 25% for any development where an accepted traffic impact study demonstrates that the development will reduce the vehicle trips from those contained in the adopted land use equivalency table, to one of the following:

               5 to 9% trip capture:     10% impact fee reduction

               10 to 14% trip capture:     15% impact fee reduction

               15% to 20% trip capture:     20% impact fee reduction

               21% or > trip capture:     25% impact fee reduction

Extraordinary Investment Discount

The amount of transportation impact fees due under Schedule 2 may be reduced 25% for any development that results in all of the following qualifications, as jointly determined by the Development Services Department and the Department of Economic Development:

  1. $25 million dollars in capital investment, excluding land costs;

  2. Creation of 75 new jobs; and

  3. The projected salary of the new jobs is at least twice the current federal minimum wage, plus benefits. 

For each additional $10,000,000 in capital investment or additional 75 qualified new jobs, the impact fee amount due under Schedule 2 will be further reduced by an additional 5%, up to a maximum reduction of 50%. A development may receive this discount and have a period of up to four years from the issuance of a building permit to qualify under the terms of this discount. Impact fees otherwise paid shall be refunded to the original payor at the time of issuance of the building permit. A development shall refund a pro rata share of this discount should the development not continue to maintain the number of new jobs for a period of at least ten years from the date of building permit (or the date of qualification for this discount), equal to 10% per annum for each year that the number of jobs is not maintained.

Small Business Discount

The amount of transportation impact fees due under Schedule 2 for building permits, other than new construction building permits, shall be reduced by 25% for a development that meets all of the following qualifications, as jointly determined by the Development Services Department and the Department of Economic Development:

  1. An independently owned for-profit or non-profit entity with a physical Fort Worth business address;

  2. Business must not be a subsidiary of a larger company nor a franchisee of a chain with more than 5 franchises;

  3. Annual revenues of $2,500,000 or less for the most recent 12-month period

  4. 25 Employees or less;

  5. Business operations established at least 1 year prior to making application for the discount; and

  6. Proof of qualifications affidavit notarized by State of Texas notary

Sexually Oriented Businesses and Game Rooms are not eligible for this discount.

Appeals Process

The appeal process for Transportation Impact Fees is outlined in the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance.

§ 30-192 Appeals

(a)   The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the following administrative acts, as provided for in subsection (c), below:

      (1)   The applicability of a transportation impact fee to the development;

      (2)   An error in calculation of the transportation impact fee due;

      (3)   The availability of, the amount of, or the expiration of a credit;

      (4)   The application of a credit against a transportation impact fee due;

      (5)   The amount of the transportation impact fee in proportion to the benefit received by the new development;

      (6)   The amount of a refund due, if any; or

      (7)   The availability of a discount against the collection of transportation impact fees.

   (b)   The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that relief should be granted by the city.

   (c)   The appellant must file a written notice specifying the specific grounds of the appeal with the Director of Development Services within 30 days following the decision appealed from. A statement that the impact fees owed are too high, by itself, is insufficient grounds for an appeal. The Director or his or her designee may resolve the appeal if the appellant agrees with the Director’s decision, or refer the matter to the City Manager for decision with the Director’s recommendation. If the appellant disagrees with the City Manager’s decision, the appellant may request city council review after receiving the manager’s written decision. City council review shall be requested within 30 days from the date the appellant has received the manager’s decision. The city secretary shall schedule a public hearing to be held within 30 days of the date the request for city council review has been received, unless otherwise mutually determined, at which the appellant may present testimony and evidence before the city council. The city council may act at the time of the public hearing and must act on the appeal no later than 30 days after the public hearing.

   (d)   If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a payment or other security satisfactory to the Director, in an amount equal to the original determination of the transportation impact fee due, the city shall process and may issue a building permit if all other requirements are met while the appeal is pending.


Helpful Links

TrIF Ordinance effective Jan 23, 2024

§ 30-173 Collection of Impact Fees, Part 5

§ 30-192 Appeals

§ 30-196 Relief Procedures