Adopt a pet Every adoptable animal has been spayed or neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and licensed by the city and is ready to meet their forever family.
Lost and found pets Whether you're searching for a lost pet or have found one, we understand it can be a stressful time. This page is filled with tips and guidance to assist you through this challenging experience.
Volunteer Our shelter volunteers are an integral part of our team. We couldn't do all that we do without them!
Donate to help shelter pets Your gift can make tails wag and hearts purr, providing vital resources for food, shelter, medical care and more.
Become a rescue partner Assist us in the crucial task of caring for and rehoming pets that we may not have the necessary resources or space to accommodate on our own.
Services, Support, Education FWACC offers numerous services, support and educational resources to help promote positive outcomes for pets.
The birds are back in town! Mitigate the impact of nesting birds on residential and commercial properties with these fine, feathered tips.