Brownfields Program By definition, a brownfield is an abandoned or underused building-structure or vacant land that has real or perceived environmental contamination which prevents redevelopment.
Environmental Easement Vacations Fort Worth property owners may wish to abandon an easement. Doing so requires approval from various City departments and/or public utility companies. The City’s Property Management Department is the City’s lead on this process.
Environmental Use Agreements Fort Worth property owners or their consultants may require access to city right-of-ways or other city property to conduct subsurface environmental sampling or install monitoring wells to assess possible contamination stemming from their properties.
Municipal Setting Designations An MSD is an official state designation certifying that the groundwater on a property is not to be used as potable (drinking) water. This applies to a small quantity of groundwater on the property that does not come into contact with people or wildlife, and which does not flow into deep aquifers.