Experience Fun Book Clubs


Fort Worth Public Library Your Fort Worth Public Library is the literary hub of the City, providing access to great books and fun ways to meet up and discuss them. 

Our book clubs are a fun and engaging way to experience stories with other people and have great conversations. Don't think college lecture, think fun night out. It's a casual, welcoming way to experience your library. Join us!

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A Facebook-based group


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Find a date and location that work for you!

Click through on the calendar for more details about the book club theme, location and what they're reading next:

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  page-turners-bc.jpg  shelf-indulgence-bc.jpg  talking-leaves-bc_2.jpg    the-fiction-between-us_2.jpg thrilling-reads-bc_2.jpg   
 criminal-elements-bc.jpg get-lit-bc.jpg           


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Author Visits & Writing Workshops