The Las Vegas Trail Neighborhood, also known as “LVT,” is a distressed neighborhood on the west side of Fort Worth that is currently experiencing high levels of crime and economic distress.
The neighborhood’s predominate land use is dense multiple-family housing with minimal amounts of commercial development, jobs, or community services. Recently, the City of Fort Worth and the YMCA partnered to develop a new community Center in this neighborhood – called Rise Community Center – which is positioned to be a neighborhood advocate for revitalization and community engagement.
The City envisions an ambitious effort to engage residents, property owners, apartment complex managers, Rise Community Center visitors and staff, City departments (e.g., Police, Neighborhood Services, Economic Development, Planning & Data Analytics, CODE, Library,) and other community stakeholders to prepare a plan that could serve as the basis for neighborhood revitalization.

This strategy will:
- Increase public safety.
- Improve public infrastructure.
- Expand community engagement.
- Promote economic revitalization.
- Provide supportive services to reduce poverty and increase self-sufficiency.
What's happening in the Las Vegas Trail Neighborhood?
A Community Center Rises
- In 2017, an estimated 71% of people living in the area were believed to be living at low to very low-income levels. Since the work began, the City of Fort Worth has collaborated with LVTRise to develop a community center at the former site of the YMCA, 8201 Calmont Ave. With the completion of RISE Community Center Phase I in the second quarter of 2020, LVTRise has been able to provide much-needed social services and emergency services for the area. The center is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2022 when Phase II is completed.
Action during challenging times
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 383,484 pounds of food was distributed by food pantries, COVID-19 vaccine clinics had been hosted and more than 154 households were served through the emergency rental assistance program, totaling more than $700,000.
Rise Library improves literacy, tech access
- In 2021, the city of Fort Worth opened the RISE Library, 8201 Calmont Ave., offering literacy programs and access to technology to residents.